That's when the headset came off, and the laptop lid closed. "But, won't you die or something like that?"
"Tell me what you just said?" You're beautiful I said, because I tell her every day and I'm going to have beer with the @AOD IT boys tomorrow night, why don't you join us and then we'll go out.
Now her eyes sparkled, and she went to get the dress she's going to wear - it's not one of the above, but you get the idea.
Woo hoo! We're Going Out Tonight.....
Honey, don't forget that new perfume you wear that always turns.....

You just had to put that last comment on there....gross ;) Lol
Kind of expected that comment, but how do you know what the rest of the sentence would have been?
lol falon... haha i know what you mean.. so bad
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