Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rules for Losing Weight Defined Today

Good morning! Cheryl and I had a great Sabbath rest yesterday. At the beach. We needed to get some rest even though we did observe all of the rules you have heard me talk about. Yes, we were at the beach, and yes, I will explain. Later! Right now you need to BOOKMARK this page because it will ALWAYS have a pointer to all the rules and acronyms that I learned from Uncle Buck. ALWAYS. I promise. The reason you need to BOOK MARK THIS PAGE is that what you are reading now is the first of many posts today, and the rest of the week will be devoted to pictures of Grandad Verne and Uncle Buck and the other angels God sent to me over the last 60+ years that told me the secrets of losing weight. All of them said it differently, but all of that can be distilled down to what Uncle Buck told me on the South Fork trail. It is why Baz Luhrman's hit song gave me the idea for HOW to TELL YOU the story of how lose 30.5 pounds by June 23, 2012. Why do you REALLY NEED TO BOOKMARK THIS PAGE TODAY? Because when TLOML awakens from her beauty rest , we have to get busy cleaning up the office here at Doc DeVore Global Enterprises, a part of The WD60 Group, d/b/a TrustMeOnTheSunScreen.Com. Explain later. Book mark this page. Then click away to your next step toward losing weight and getting ripped. BUT BE SURE TO COME BACK OFTEN TODAY using your new BOOKMARK. Or as Granddad used to say, "do what I mean, not what I say!"

NO SWEAT WORKOUT - 5 MIN. from journey gym on Vimeo.

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