Monday, January 09, 2012

Profile Photos - Floyd V. Doc DeVore - Picasa Web Albums

The photo is staged. It needs to be for the video I did today yesterday for a corporate training event. But you and I know that it commemorates two important milestones in my 2011 Journey to A New Life. Henry Blackaby, author and friend of mine and of God, lo, those many years ago, shared a life truth with me. Today I said to God, "Oh, that's what Henry meant. Now I get it!"

The first time I read his book it was in preparation for a series of educational sessions on what it meant. Yeah, right! That week of Lottie Moon everyone thought I understood the meaning of life; in the spirit of full disclosure, I tell you know that back then I barely understood his book. TODAY I finally learned what he meant.

Henry was talking about how God is always there, and when we look back we will understand that He has always been guiding us; so set some markers along the way so when you go back you have some mile posts to guide your way to memory lane. Because He knew that I didn't know, he taught me how to take really good photos with whatever cheap camera I had at hand. Fifty years later, with my expensive Canon T2i in hand, I get it. Well, sort of. But I knew I should pile up some stones (that look like photos) on my scrapbook of life. I will dispense that advice later (translated: I'll give you the link to some wonderful scenes from this morning's visit to the beach).

My blog - this one you are reading - is all about the mile posts that found myself leaving behind during 2011. In a future book I hope to capture what I eventually learn about their meaning. But, if you came here only to find out how I lost 155 pounds in 14 months, that's good enough for now. And if you men from Local 220 came here to see what God is up to, thanks. I miss you guys, too. And I know that you know that when I tell stories, it's partly for fun, and because I am kind of full of myself, but there might be a truth nugget buried in there. You will go looking for it. That's why I miss you, Kia.

(PS: Later today/week/month/sometime I will erect one of those pillars. It will only look like a Picasa Web Album about my experience with God as the sun rose over Pompano Beach. Reminds me of another story that  took place in 1980).  :)

(PPS: Didn't get enough money yesterday to buy Cheryl's laptop. Still need your help. But we can get back to that tomorrow, so no Buy.Com link today. Instead, visit one of the links above and consider buying one of Henry's books and help his cause. He needs a new laptop, too.)

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